, A Journey through Sikh History

GURDWARA SRI HARGOBIND SAHIB JI is situated in the Distt, Udham Singh Nagar, UtrraKhand. It is situated in the same compound of GURDWARA SRI NANAMATA SAHIB. Baba Almast ji was taking Care of This SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI's Place. But Again the Gorakh Matts Harrased Baba Almast ji and had thrown him and captured this place and named it as GorakhMat. Sidhs also Set fire to Pipal Tree Under Which SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI had meditated. Baba Almast ji send message to SHRI GURU HARGOBIND SAHIB JI at darolli Bhai. On request of Baba Almast ji SRI GURU HARGOBIND SAHIB JI came to this place and sprinkled some water on pipal tree and made it live again. The pipal tree at some parts can be felt as burnt. Half of the trees leefs are of redish shade and rest of are of Green shade. Sidhs sent message to Raja Baj Bahadur of Pilibhit for help. When Raja Baj Bahdur came here and seen SRI GURU HARGOBIND SAHIB, he fell on the feets of GURU SAHIB, He was among the 52 Rajs's Whom GURU SAHIB had rescued from Fort Of Gwalior. Then Raja Baj Bahdur took GURU SAHIB allong him to Pillibhit.

GURDWARA SAHIB is 45 KM from Rudarpur, 11 KM from SitarGanj. 300 km from Delhi, 500 KM from Chandigarh.

Pictures Taken on 20-Mar, 2009.
Location of Gurdwara Sahib on Google Map
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  • Address :-
    Sitarganj Khatima Road
    District :- Rudrapur (Udham Singh Nagar)
    State :- Uttrakhand.
    Phone Number :-